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DIY Potentiometer

DIY Potentiometer 2024-09-16

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DIY Potentiometer Parts

This is a DIY Potentiometer that requires no tools to assemble.
Parts List:
  • 3D Printed Knob
  • 3D Printed Main Body
  • 3D Printed Snap On Wire Holder
  • A piece of printer paper
  • Double sided tape
  • A #2 pencil
  • 3 Wires (Ideally something flexible like silicon)
Download and print the 3D parts and assemble!...
Download the 3D files (STL) attached.

See the video here:


With a #2 pencil scribble a stripe 10mm or wider the across the width of a sheet of paper. Make sure it's on a smooth surface. Go back over it a couple of times making sure it is coated well in graphite. Don't leave any gaps.

On the other side of the stripe add double sided tape and cut an even strip 6mm wide.


Carefully add this strip on the inside edge of the main body.






Make sure to feed the wiper wire through the hole in the shaft, then through the hole between the other two wires...

DIY Potentiometer Test

This is the code I used for the potentiometer test...

Arduino Code:
 * Potentiometer Tester with Calibration Feature
 * Creator: Chad Kapper from HackMakeMod Inc.
 * For ESP8266
 * This sketch is designed to test potentiometers, using a button to set the low and high calibration points.
 * It visualizes the potentiometer's value on a strip of WS2812 LEDs. Pressing the button at a low value sets the lower limit,
 * and pressing it at a high value sets the upper limit of the potentiometer's range. The LEDs light up based on the
 * potentiometer's current position within the calibrated range.

#include <FastLED.h>

// Pin definitions
#define POT_PIN A0         // Analog pin for potentiometer
#define BUTTON_PIN D1      // Button pin for calibration
#define LED_PIN D0         // Digital pin to control the LED strip
#define LED_COUNT 20       // Number of LEDs in the strip
#define THRESHOLD 5        // Minimum change in potentiometer value to update LEDs

CRGB leds[LED_COUNT];      // Array to store the LED colors
int prevValue = 0;         // Stores the previous potentiometer value for comparison
int highValue = 1023;      // Initial high calibration value (max value of potentiometer)
int lowValue = 0;          // Initial low calibration value (min value of potentiometer)

void setup() {
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Initialize the button as an input with an internal pull-up resistor

  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, LED_COUNT); // Initialize the LED strip
  FastLED.setBrightness(30); // Set a moderate brightness level
  FastLED.show(); // Ensure all LEDs are off initially
  Serial.println("Setup complete, awaiting button press...");

void loop() {
  int potValue = analogRead(POT_PIN); // Read the current value of the potentiometer
  Serial.print("Potentiometer Value: ");

  // Check if the button is pressed (logic LOW if using INPUT_PULLUP)
  if(digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW) {
    Serial.println("Button pressed");
    // Calibrate the low or high value based on the current potentiometer reading
    if(potValue < 300) { // Threshold to differentiate between low and high calibration
      lowValue = potValue;
      Serial.print("New lowValue: ");
    } else {
      highValue = potValue;
      Serial.print("New highValue: ");
    potValue = 0; // Reset potValue to avoid immediate recalibration effect
    FastLED.show(); // Update LED strip to reflect any changes

  // Update LEDs only if the change in potentiometer value exceeds the threshold
  if(abs(potValue - prevValue) >= THRESHOLD) {
    prevValue = potValue; // Update previous value for next comparison
    int numLEDS = map(potValue, lowValue, highValue, 0, LED_COUNT); // Map pot value to number of LEDs

    // Create a color gradient based on the current position within the calibrated range
    for(int i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
      int red = i * (255 / LED_COUNT);
      int green = 255 - red;

      if(i < numLEDS) {
        leds[i] = CRGB(red, green, 0); // Set color based on position
      } else {
        leds[i] = CRGB::Black;  // Turn off LEDs beyond the current position
    FastLED.show(); // Update the LED strip with new colors

  delay(30); // Short delay to debounce button and slow down the loop for readability
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